Friday, April 23, 2010

You take the good, you take the bad.

In an attempt to add electives to our very limited class schedule, I teach art. Now, I like to play around with things and be creative from time to time but I'm certainly no artist. Still, we have a pretty good time and the stuff they produce is pretty awesome. Of course, with the good .... you have to take the bad. I know that teachers aren't supposed to have favorites and are supposed to think everyone's artwork is genius, it's own way. Well, I'm not that kind of teacher I guess. ;) Check out some of these:
Lillian's Surprised Panda statuette

Mary Anne's Buck statuette

Argus' Graffitied Brick Wall statuette

Addison's Cheshire Cat statuette

Ned's Surf's Up Wave statuette (Blue Crush, hahaha)

Crawl's Super Mario statuette

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